At Camp Bowen, it is very important to us to be part of local events and to give back to our home community of Bowen Island. On August 31, 2019, Alex Jurgensen and Aedan Staddon represented Camp Bowen as volunteers to the sixth annual Hand Loggers Half Marathon, marking the second year in a row that Camp Bowen has provided volunteers to the event. Together with the rest of the event’s volunteers, Alex and Aedan directed the more than 130 runners that took part in the half marathon, offering encouragement and support at the Cardena Dr. turnoff onto the trail and at Aid Station 3, located at Camp Bow Isle.
“I’m glad to be able to support the community at the Handloggers Half Marathon,” says Staddon. “It was nice to be able to help people and see the runners.”
We would like to congratulate the organizers of the Handloggers Half Marathon for raising approximately $4000 towards the Bowen Island Trail Society and Akili Preparatory School this year.