A Quick Update

Wow! What an exciting summer it has been this year. Thanks to a great community response, we were able to relaunch the child and youth program. This year’s camp may […]

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Lifeguard (Adult Camp)

Have you ever wanted a summer job, where the reward is making others smile and seeing friendships blossom? We, the Camp Bowen Society for the Visually Impaired, are seeking a […]

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Lifeguard (Child and Youth)

Have you ever wanted a summer job, where the reward is making others smile and seeing friendships blossom? We, the Camp Bowen Society for the Visually Impaired, are seeking a […]

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Youth and Children Camps

A serene bayside scene on a clear summer day, featuring a dock with several people engaged in leisure activities. Some are sitting on the dock while others paddle small boats. A larger boat is moored at the dock, and the backdrop is a lush, green forested hillside. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and recreational.

Going to Camp Hornby? We are pleased to announce that, in concert with the Camp Hornby Society, we will be offering free accompanied transportation from Camp Bowen to Camp Hornby […]

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