Bowen First Policy

Created: May 29, 2015
Last Updated: May 13, 2021


The Request for Comment (RFC) series, is a new series from the CCB Camp Bowen Society for the Visually Impaired Chapter, that seeks to bring the Bowen Island community into the decision making process of the organization.


The purpose of the “Bowen First” policy is to ensure supplies, goods and services for the Camp Bowen project are purchased from the Bowen Island community by the CCB Camp Bowen Society for the Visually Impaired Chapter where possible.

We, as an organization, value the Bowen Island community, for the support, backing, and generosity you have provided throughout the past 53 years. We are establishing this policy to support the Bowen Island economy.


Supplies, goods and services, hereby known as purchasables, will be purchased in the following order:

  • The Bowen Island Community

  • The wider BC Community

  • Canada-wide

  • Global

This policy will not apply under the following circumstances:

A. Where a reasonably-priced purchasable does not exist in a more local setting.

B. Where an organization provides a purchasable as either a gift in kind or charitable donation.

C. Where an organization provides a purchasable at a discount, placing it below the cost at which we can obtain it locally.


We hope that this policy will ensure that the Camp Bowen project will continue to provide the Bowen Island community with economic stability.