Simple Social Rules

September 6, 2022
Last Updated
September 6, 2022

1. Introduction

Following these simple social rules will help us create a positive environment.

2. The Rules

2.1. Maintain Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is expected of all people involved in Division activities. This includes at minimum daily teeth brushing, regular showers or baths, regular hand washing, regular hair washing, wearing clean clothes, and otherwise maintaining bodies clean and free of body odour. Good hygiene also limits the spread of germs and other pathogens.

2.2. Take A Consensual Approach

One should never touch any other person without their express consent. Verbal cues should be used as often as possible but, in the instances where touching a student is necessary, permission must be obtained prior to the interaction.

One must not walk with their hands outstretched as there is a risk of accidental touching.

Always apologize if accidental touching does occur, though it is best to make sure this does not happen before it does.

The only exception to this rule is if a person is in serious danger and there would not be time to give verbal cues or obtain consent.

2.3. Keep Canes to Oneself

Canes must be kept to oneself. They should never be used to stop or grab any other person. Of course, if in the course of regular cane use one’s cane comes into contact with another person, this is understandable and does n0t contravene this policy.

2.4. Respect Personal Space and property

Respect people’s personal space. Always obtain permission if you need to go within their personal space. As personal space is different in different cultures, this will be a constant learning process but always remember to apologize if someone indicates their personal space is being invaded.

A person’s personal property must also be respected. This means that one should refrain from going through another person’s possessions or living space without express consent.

2.5. Keep Displays of Affection to Staff Quarters or Off-Campus

Displays of affection are fantastic when shared between people in a relationship. However, they must be kept to staff quarters or off-campus during time when staff are off-duty. This also includes refraining from displays of affection when virtual classes are in session.

2.6. Be mindful of Conversation Topics

When in conversation, be mindful of those around who are within earshot. One must always try to ensure conversations will not make those within earshot uncomfortable. If a conversation topic is found to be offensive or make someone within earshot uncomfortable, apologize and learn from the experience.

Some topics of conversation not permitted to be entered into by staff include non-blindness-related politics that do not immediately affect those present; religion without prior consent of those around the conversation; and anything generally against our policies (e.g. discrimination or hate speech).

2.7. Respect Personal Choices

When everyone respects each others’ choices, we can create a positive environment. You may or may not agree with a person’s choices but you do need to respect their right to make such choices. These choices may include, but are not limited to, the choice to vote or not to vote, the choice of which religion or spiritual practice to follow (including following none), food preferences or dietary habits, choice of sexual partners, choice of clothing, etc.

2.8. Be Careful When Expressing Frustration

It is important to express frustration appropriately. This includes not forcefully hitting objects, yelling, or sighing emphatically as any of these behaviours may cause others to be alarmed or perceive that the frustration is with them.

2.9. Be punctual

It is important to value everyone’s time. This includes being ready and prepared for classes and classes starting on time.

3. Enforcement

Breaking these simple social rules can lead to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action for repeated or serious infractions may include dismissal.

4. Review

This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed and at least annually.