The Camp Bowen Society will be at Bowfest, Bowen Island’s community fair, once again this year. The community organization area of Bowfest will open at 10:30 AM on Saturday, August 24, 2019 in the field to the left of the ferry terminal when driving off the ferry. The community organization area will open directly following the community parade that will run after the previous ferry offloads.
Camp Bowen will be bringing Showdown, a Bowfest favourite sport that resembles a cross between air hockey and ping pong. Showdown is a sport originally designed on the West coast of BC for blind people but now played internationally by blind and sighted players alike around the world. Players try to get a rattling ball filled with rice into their opponents net with a paddle while the other player defends their goal. All this under blindfold. It is a lot of fun to play!!!

While at Bowfest, stop by our community table and meet some of the friendly and knowledgeable staff behind Camp Bowen. If you’ve ever had a question or half a dozen about blindness, bring them with you and we’ll do our best to answer them. Before you leave our tent, play a round of Showdown or pick up one of our puzzle books where you can learn to decode a selection of quotes in Braille!!!
Also at Bowfest, be sure to explore the many games, food options, live music, contests, and other community booths available at the fair.
All proceeds will benefit Camp Bowen’s summer camp, independent living skills, and outreach programs.
We hope to see you at Bowfest!!!